Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Star Student!

She's on the left, rocking the silver tie.  Man, I love that kid!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

That Me Sitting on Santa's Wap!

That's what Noble said when he saw this picture.  Turns out, he DID sit on Santa's wap...and he told him what he wanted for Christmas (Thomas de Twain).  Kayci told him she wants books.  :)  When we walked away, Noble kept turning around and looking at Santa. He got my attention, "Hey, where my toy?"  He thought he'd tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas--and get it!  This Christmas thing must be so confusing for our literal little guy...but so far, so fun.  He reminds us so much of Kayci at this age (minus the screaming and behavior issues and messes) when he starts telling stories in his sweet little voice.

We'll have to catch up--Daddyboy has taken some amazing pictures this past few days--but I thought I'd share that Noble did, in fact, climb into Santa's wap instead of giving him a high five.  How brave!  He got a kick out of the Christmas lights...I can't wait to see what he thinks about our decorating when we get home.  Kayci can't wait to set her Christmas tree up in her room.  I can't wait for cider...for getting the tree...all of it!  It will be a fun weekend...and I can't wait to hear Kayci explain it all to her Bubby.  :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

If you're reading this, chances are pretty good you're on our list of people we're thankful for.  
Happy Thanksgiving, family and friends...loving you BIG!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Wild Turkeys

2nd grade made turkeys today!

Noble's turkey...

Mason's turkey...

My turkeys!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Veteran's Day Video

On Thursday, Kayci sang in her school's annual Veteran's Day program. When we arrived at the school, we walked toward the cafeteria and started looking for her. Much to our surprise, she was standing in the cafeteria entrance handing out programs. I thought that was really cute, so I tried to take some video of her, which made her embarrassed... which was even more adorable.

Then the program began. There was a color guard, pledge of allegiance, introduction of veterans and a reading of a book called America's White Table. And, of course, there was singing.

Here is some video of the songs. Kayci is on the left side of the stage in the third row, directly up from the teacher. She's wearing a white shirt with red sleeves.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thankful for Freedom

We are proud to fly our country's flag today, and to be reminded of the price others have paid for our freedom to fly it. Thanks doesn't come close, does it?

For Ronny, Celena, Gary, Chris, Luke, Granddaddy, Alf and all the others who served and are serving: thank you. Today we learned a lot about life as a veteran, and it was humbling.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Today we went to see "Megamind." It sold out, so we stuck around for the next showing, which was in 3-D. Keep mind, I avoid 3-D because of motion sickness & Noble has yet to attempt to wear the glasses successfully. Imagine our surprise when a) it turned out to be a really good movie and b) Noble sat in his seat--a first!--wearing his glasses--another first!--for the entire movie. As much as it pains me, he's growing up.

This evening marked another milestone...we packed up the toddler bed. He sleeps in the full size bed with Kayci, anyway, and we really wanted to make room for her desk in their room. She loves to write and create, and it's sometimes hard to do that wither desk in the public space that is the office. Every visiting friend ends up at her desk, and it's been getting to her. So, as of today, she has her own space again (in their shared room, of course, but it's still progress).

(notice all of her notes & stuff taped to the wall--I always sword my kids wouldn't do that. Sigh. So we compromise--she has her own painter's tape!)

And last but not least, once again the office has grown with us and changed a bit. I redid the shelves (added new boxes for Noble toys, reorganized & rearranged to reduce clutter) and we brought the cart in from storage to hold the random toys that lived on the buffet (the dining room is now officially a toy-free zone!) and moved the easel to be beside Noble's desk...we'll see how it all shakes out. I will say that everyone else was right--reducing the sheer number of toys available has lent itself to much better play...not just throwing toys around. Again, we'll see...and be open to change.

If feels good to clean stuff out and organize what's sticking around. Maybe someday I'll tackle those kitchen cabinets...


This morning I'm thankful for memories. Sitting there eating Cream of Wheat with my Boy and the knuckleheads, I was reminded of many mornings at home, with Cream of Wheat prepared by my Dad. You had to be up early to have breakfast with him back in the old days, which seems so funny now.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"Trick or Treat! Gimme Candy!"

This was the first Halloween that Noble got to experience trick-or-treating. And he did - it Noble-style.


We had a great Halloween! First, we got a surprise trick-or-treat from Jihido and Nahia. There was pumpkin carving, dinner with the Dahlmeyers and trick-or-treating in the neighborhood! Then it was back to the house to give out candy, which I think the kids enjoyed more than walking around getting candy. Click on the image above to view the slide show or view the set on Flickr.