Thursday, June 12, 2003

Thursday, June 12 - Little Miss Muffett

We went to the doctor yesterday expecting to find out that Kristi was a couple of centimeters dilated and other such good news. However, we should have known what was coming- it’s almost a full moon after all.

Dr. Thompson felt the bottom of Kristi’s belly and immediately said, “that feels like a butt.” She felt around a little bit more and said that it looked as if Kayci had turned around and was now head up. An ultrasound confirmed it. In fact, not only is Kayci in breech position, but she’s also doing a “pike” in there, too. Her butt is basically covering the cervix and her feet are out in front of her. Little Miss Muffett is sitting on her cervix eating her gelatinous goo. It’s not a serious situation, but it did change things significantly. We had two options- 1. go to the hospital and have the doctor try to turn her around by pushing on the outside of Kristi’s belly or 2. schedule a cesaerian section.

There’s some risk involved with trying to turn a baby and our doctor said that in the position she’s in and for a first child, it’s very unlikely to work. We decided not to take any unnecessary risks with Kayci or to put her through that and just to schedule the c-section.

So as of right now, she’s scheduled to be born on Friday, June 20 at 8:45am. All the news yesterday really hit us hard. We weren’t expecting anything like this. It was a lot to take in all at once, but once it began to sink in it was all very exciting. We finally know exactly when she’ll be here. 

Of course, if Kristi goes into labor before that or if Kayci turns on her own, things will change again. But it just shows that this is definitely our baby. She’s not even born yet and she’s making things interesting for us… I bet she still has one surprise in store for us.

So we made the call to all the parents yesterday and told them what was going on and not to schedule anything else for next Friday. They were all very excited, but perhaps most excited of all was Adam, my little brother. He was really pumped about the prospect of finally being an uncle. Of course this is from the same kid who, when we told him on Halloween that we was going to be an uncle, only said “puh.” And walked into the house.

Kristi and I are very excited about meeting Kayci, and all of our family is chomping at the bit as well. We’re keeping our nieces and nephew- Keely, Reagan and Gavin- for the weekend beginning today. We’ve got all kinds of fun things planned for them- summer stuff like water gun fights, playing in the sprinkler, planting a pumpkin garden and camping in the back yard. This Sunday is Father’s Day and we’ll have my dad and Adam over for lunch, as well as Kristi’s parents and probably Ronny and Amy (the kids’ parents.)

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