Monday, September 15, 2003

Pretty Princess Kayci

This has been a whirlwind week. Kayci is just becoming more amazing every day. She got to meet her Uncle Bill this week and got to see Aunt Peggy for the first time since she was in the hospital. As you can see below, she LOVED her Uncle Bill.

Kayci also got to be a pretty princess at a friend's 5-year old dress up party. And then there was the Texans game. Kayci watched as much as she could stand with Daddy and Unka Johnny. She loves to sit and look at the "shiny flashy box." Just like her Daddy did when he was her age, she turns like a contortionist to try to see it. Unlike Daddy, Kayci is interested in more than just the commercials.

Also, Kayci developed a little bit of what we think is an ear infection let in the week. Even though she obviously doesn't feel good, she still tries to be a hapy little girl. She wants so badly to be smiley and playful, but then that darn ear starts hurting again. Daddy is taking her to the doctor today to find out exactly what's wrong.

It turns out that she just had some fluid behind her ear and that it wasn't infected. She was just feeling that pressure and pulling at it.

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