Tuesday, July 27, 2010

So Happy

Kayci has gymnastics camp every day this weeks, and so far that means Noble and I have some errand time and then play for a while until it's time to pick her up. It's been fun for all of us! Today we went to Noble's favorite place on earth (malmart!) and I saw a pencil pouch and some pens that I knew she'd love. We bought them to surprise her, and Noble decided that it would be HIS surprise. He took a nap when we got home (which was the plan, as we had a 2:00 funeral to attend and I wanted him groggy, worked like a charm!) and as soon as he got up, he wanted to give Kayci her "ting."--"make Kayci so appy!" (He cuts off all of his /h/s right now...spankings urt, if you haven't heard that one.) It made ME so happy that he cared so much about making HER happy, and I hope that is a recurring theme in their childhoods. We're all on the same team here, and that's so important.

I hope you're appy tonight, too. We had a great day around here, funeral and all.

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