Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Noah is so 3!

The Headleys are over playing this afternoon.  Noah's birthday is today, so it's even more fun! He is SOOOOOOO a 3-year-old boy, as illustrated by this conversation  (overheard as they headed into Kayci's room):

Okay, let's play Hannah Montana.  I'll be Miley, you be Jackson and you get to be Hannah Montana.

(And Noah, running behind the "big kids"...)  And I'll be the superhero!

P.S.  Paula, I don't know who fed your kids a whole gingerbread house.  Seriously, that would be wrong.  

P.P.S.  The next person who gives us a gingerbread house kit is on my list.  Apparently I have the wrong degree to construct the stinkin' things, much less decorate them.  I'm officially out of the business!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you tried the ones at Walmart? They are already constructed! :) All you have to do it decorate. They don't usually turn out picture perfect here, but hey, it's about the experience, right? :)