Friday, November 6, 2009

Daisy, Daisy...

Last night was our first "real" Daisy Troop meeting. It was lots of fun--there were 7 girls and 7 parents, and I am shocked at what a great group we've ended up with and how well everyone has meshed already. I think we're going to have a great year!

The challenge, since I'm the troop leader and we're going to do this at our house, is to help Kayci stay "just" a scout...and not the boss of things, as she'd prefer to be. She comes by it naturally, I know. So I planned the meeting and tried to keep the fun stuff a surprise, and I hope to be able to continue that as we go on. I want her, for that hour, to enjoy Girl Scouting and not worry so much about directing how the girls play, etc. (Since she's been teaching full-time lately, she really JUST wants to play school...and guess who gets to be the teacher and boss everyone around?) I hope it doesn't sound like I'm criticizing my Bitty, because I don't mean to. She's AWESOME, and I hope she knows that. But she's also a leader and is still shaking off almost 5 years of being an only child, so it's odd for her to be in a group and not be in charge. But it's good for her, too. :) So that's where we're at with that.

We got home late Tuesday night and after a false start Wednesday (Noble was too ick for school still), we kind of got back into our routine yesterday. Well, the routine for days that include major friends' life crises (we're okay, everyone's okay, schedule was shot) and Girl Scout meetings at our house. And start out with a house so trashed that you can't walk from one end to the other! So we're getting back to normal...the house is mostly clean and laundry's half done, and that's good enough for me. We have big, big Pharaon plans tonight...PJs, pizza, popcorn and Peanuts (Charlie Brown Thanksgiving!). After the week we've had, I think that's exactly what we need.

And check out what I found at WalMart this morning--I promptly e-mailed Daddy so he could be jealous as I am now, officially, the Best. Mom. Ever. Ha! I'll be one of the first in car line today (well, that's the plan!), then Kayci and I need to run an errand for PTO before we go pick up our Bubby. I have a happy note for her, and when she gets home she'll find some surprises in her PJ drawer--these new Snoopy PJs (she loves, loves Snoopy!) and some Jiffy Pop. :) Can't wait!

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