Friday, September 5, 2008

Just a little funny for a Friday morning...

I'm sorry I haven't posted all week...I'll try to catch up this weekend. It's been a busy one here, as I'm sure it has been for all of you. It should be a quiet weekend, though...I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Anyway, last night Kayci and I were laying in her bed after reading her story. (Last night's pick: Kevin Henkes' Wemberley Worried, because she enjoyed Chrysanthemum so much at school. Another funny, but not why I'm writing--she was telling me about reading Chrysanthemum at school, and then was AMAZED that I have the same book.  Come on, kid, where you been?)
Back to the story...after we finished reading, we talked about things we have worried about.  (Another aside, last week we decided she can wear her JA cross necklace every day, and we talked about what the cross means...for her, we focused on how it means that we don't have to worry, God loves us so much He'll take care of us.)  So, this has been kind of an ongoing conversation.  I confessed that I had been worried about her starting school, and how anxious I was waiting for her that first day in car line.  Which is another whole story...

Then Kayci cupped her hands around her mouth, to whisper to me...

Do you want to hear a really, really bad secret that happened at Krause?  A 10-year old girl...she's bigger than me...she didn't hear her name in car line...and she had to spend the WHOLE NIGHT at Krause, all by herself!!

To my credit, I did not laugh, but the kid still doesn't believe me that that couldn't have happened (for one, it would have been on the news, but I don't know that Wayne Dolcefino comes this far west).  Anyway, it just cracked us up that, as Daddy says, Krause has urban legends.   I just reassured Bitty that if she doesn't come out to car line, I'll come in and search every inch of Krause until I find her and take her home.  :)  

Kids these days...

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