Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The RedBox giveth after the RedBox taketh away...

Yesterday was the last "free movie Monday" for RedBox.  Yeah, yeah...they're saying we'll get a free movie like, once a month now...but it's not the same.  We LOVE free movie Monday, man.  I know, I know, we're just saving a dollar--but free is so GOOD.  Sigh.  I just returned the last in a long line of free Monday movies.  Bigger sigh.  RedBox, RedBox, why have you forsaken me??

But then I saw this on the way home...and my spirits soared.  Oh, RedBox, you DO love me!  

For those of you who aren't RedBox savvy (and yes, I may be looking down my nose at you a bit), this is an OUTDOOR RedBox. Do you KNOW what kind of time and energy this is going to save this Mommy of two? I am a happy, happy MommyGirl. Now back to work for me...big deadline tomorrow. Hope your Tuesday is as TERRIFIC as mine has been so far!!!

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