Sunday, October 12, 2008

Darn Tootin'!

I'm sitting on the couch working, James and Kayci are in the office playing tic tac toe and visiting (I'm so enjoying hearing their conversation drifting through the little green house, btw).  Anyway, a while ago a car drove by, honking like crazy.  Whenever that happens, I always wonder who's saying "hi."  (We live on a busy street, so usually the honking is a friend driving by).  

Sure enough, a few minutes later, Sherri was them driving by.  So James and I are talking across the house, he's reading her texts and texting back.  And so it goes.  We tell her to tell Brad that he needs to come up with a tune for the honking, so we know it's them.  And, James jokes, so he doesn't shoot.

Text back:  "Brad's not worried..."

James stopped there.  I said, "not worried about what?"  

He reads the rest...  "he's seen you shoot."   Hee hee.  Poor James, but that's typical Sherri and Brad--they ALWAYS make us laugh!

So, those of you who honk your hellos, next time, see if we can name that tune!

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