Friday, November 21, 2008

Break it to me gently...

Last night was Kayci's last soccer game.  I can speak for all 4 Pharaons when I say, soccer was a BALL!  We really enjoyed the games, hanging out outside, visiting with other families, etc.  I am a little sad to see it go, but glad our schedule will open up now for holiday fun.  :)

Kayci's coach gave every girl a trophy (a cute little girl kicking a soccer ball--both freaky and fun).  Kayci was way, way excited about the trophy, and after our celebratory dinner at Chili's, we found out why.  She said, "I thought I was the only girl who got a trophy."  We said, no, it's not that kind of trophy--every girl got one.  Daddy and I explained that sometimes you get a trophy for playing, and sometimes you get a trophy for being the best.  Well...that opened up a can of worms, because Confident Kayci said something to the effect of, if they did give out a trophy for being the best, she'd get that one.  Well...all apologies to her self esteem, but we had to break it to her gently that no, she wouldn't...Kenley, another little girl on the team, always gives 200% and is consistently on the ball, etc.  We didn't talk about Kenley's scoring (she's amazing on the goals, too) but focused on how hard she works and how she always, always tries her best--things we've been trying to get Kayci to work on.  Well...that didn't go over well, hearing that you can't go out there and not try and still be the best, so then she cried.  Part of me was glad it was finally (after 2 months!) sinking in, but it's still hard to know we hurt her feelings.  So the rest of the ride home, we came up with things that Daddy is not the best at, but he tries anyway.  By the time we got home, Kayci felt better but Daddy's self esteem was bruised.  Oh, well, sometimes you gotta take one for the team.  

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