Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Killin' Time...

That old Clint Black song has been in my head this week, hence the title of the post.  Today was Kayci's first ever early dismissal from Kindergarten.  She was pretty excited about being able to have lunch with us, but at the same time, a bit apprehensive about WHICH half of the day she'd miss out on...hee hee.  She'd asked me if I would be the first one in car line, and I told her no because quite frankly, I don't usually have an hour to kill waiting at the school.  But today, the universe conspired against me (it had to be about me, right?) and Noble just wouldn't nap.  At 11:00 he asked for nigh nigh, so I decided to grab him and the laptop and yes, go sit in car line for an hour.  He'd nap, I'd get my report done...well, he didn't nap.  But I did make progress on my report!  Kayci was SOOOOOOOOOO excited that we were the first in car line, too.  I don't think it made me mother of the year or anything, but for about 5 seconds, I felt pretty good about my parenting.  So...on the car line high, we took off from school, but now, since car line was over so quickly, we had 30 minutes to kill before James' lunch began.  I thought, what can I get done in 30 minutes at home...then realized, that stuff'll be there after lunch.  I did something I haven't done all school year--I took the kids to the park on a whim.  It was awesome, too...the weather is gorgeous today, and Jackson St. Park was pretty well empty except for 3 very happy Pharaons.  And yes, unfortunately, the laundry and dirty house were waiting after we got home from CiCi's (Kayci's choice).  Ha ha, though--I showed them...I laid down with my kiddos and took a nap.  Now it's time to pay the piper, but for a few hours there, I was mother of the year.   

I apologize--these aren't the best pictures, but you get the idea.  The kids had a blast!  

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