Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sick Bubby

Noble has some random upper respiratory infection, along with a virus that's causing a high (for him, 101 degrees) fever.  This is the 3rd day of the fever, so he's been very fussy and just not himself.  We've been spending our time on the couch--he's happiest when he's laying on me, of course, and while I do protest a bit too much about the laundry and my work that are not getting done, well, it's kind of nice to just BE for a bit.  But seriously, this fever's gotta break or one of us is going to go nuts.

Anyway, for fun this morning I dressed him in the tiedyed onesie Aunt Peggy sent him.  I thought the bright colors would brighten his mood.  Not sure that he's affected, but I sure smile when I see him!  :)  

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